Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016


Let me introduce myself first.
My name is Vivia Lee.
i was born on March,14th,2002 in Jakarta.
I'm 14 years old now and I'm in 9 grade.
What else ?? hmm..
Okay, i have a big dream. no, i think many dream :)
i wanna be doctor, good at mechanic engineering and electro, and psychology.
i'm more prefer to be a doctor but im afraid. that's disgusting when it should open the parts or human organs. by the way, im afraid of syringe.

Let me explain more about me.
i have a twin, we're so different from face until feet. she was born first 8 minutes before me.
yeah, i always fight and argue with her. every single day :D. I miss her when she wasnt with me but i always fight when she with me. I hate her so much but my love is bigger than my hate. she's so beautiful.
we're do some same activities. such as, taekwondo, play football, play basketball.
almost all my time, wasted with her.
we have a same hobby is do martial art. we're always together even though we'll never always in the same place.

It's enough from me. 
btw, i love quotes then i will give one quote, its for my twin.
" we're different. even we're twin doesnt mean i know you better. 
   but, i just wanna know how to make you laugh."

Let's see my instagram.

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